BETA USER LICENSE AGREEMENT Please read the following license agreement carefully before using this program. By accepting the agreement, you are agreeing to become the user and expressing your complete acceptance of all the terms and conditions of this license agreement. If you do not accept the terms of the agreement, do not install the program. Similarly, use of the program implies your acceptance to be bound by the terms and conditions of this license agreement. This license agreement represents the entire agreement between the user and PANDA SOFTWARE. This license agreement supersedes any prior license agreements between the user and PANDA SOFTWARE with respect to this Beta program. The acceptance of the terms and conditions of this agreement does not confer any rights of ownership over the program belonging to PANDA SOFTWARE or its software suppliers. 1.- LICENSE GRANT.- Panda Software grants the user the non-exclusive and non-transferable right to use this program and documentation for evaluation purposes only. 2.- INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY.- This program, as well as any corresponding documentation or information, is the exclusive property of PANDA SOFTWARE and/or its suppliers of software. PANDA SOFTWARE or its suppliers of software own all intellectual property rights and copyrights pertaining to the program, documentation or any other product given to the user as part of this agreement. The program is protected by copyright laws, patents and international copyright treaties, in addition to the dispositions of laws and treaties applicable to the protection of intellectual property rights. 3.- EVALUATION.- The user may give PANDA SOFTWARE any information about the functioning of the program, problems and improvements that the user may consider necessary. These reports can be used by PANDA SOFTWARE for any purpose, without the user's consent or any obligation, financial or otherwise, on the part of PANDA SOFTWARE to the user. 4.- DATA COLLECTION TECHNOLOGY.- PANDA SOFTWARE informs the user that in certain products it may use data collection technology to collect technical information to improve the product or to provide customized services or technology to the user, and to prevent the unlicensed or illegal use of the product. The user accepts that PANDA SOFTWARE may use such information as part of the services provided in relation to the product, and that he/she may receive marketing information. The user acknowledges and accepts that PANDA SOFTWARE may provide updates or additions to the software which automatically download to his/her computer. 5.- WARRANTY.- The user recognizes and accepts that the program is of an experimental nature and is not a commercial product and its functionality is not guaranteed. PANDA SOFTWARE will not be held responsible by any person or entity regarding any damage or loss allegedly caused by the use or inability to use the program, either directly or indirectly, including (but not limited to) business interruptions, monetary loss or loss of anticipated income as a result of the use of the program. The program is provided as is, and no claims will be accepted concerning failure to fulfill presumed functions. PANDA SOFTWARE does not guarantee that the program is error free, nor that it will function without interruption. The user is responsible for the use of the program by others. The user accepts responsibility for any losses and/or damages and costs arising from any incompatibility between this program or updates thereof and any third-party software that the user has installed on his/her computer as well as any other problems that may arise due to the interaction between both programs, or for code strings that coincide. The user knows and accepts, under his/her own responsibility, that due to the modifications that viruses cause in files they infect, it is possible that the disinfection process could produce unforeseen changes to these files. With respect to PANDA SOFTWARE's anti-spyware, the user knows and accepts, under his/her own responsibility, that spyware could be installed on his/her computer integrated in other programs and that the elimination of the spyware may affect such programs. It is possible to disable and configure the anti-spyware protection through the product. With respect to protection against hacking tools, the user also knows and accepts, under his/her own responsibility that the protection against hacking tools neutralizes these utilities and that it is also possible to disable this protection through the product. 6.- HIGH RISK ENVIRONMENTS.- This program has not been designed for and is not intended for use in hazardous environments requiring fail-safe (fault-tolerant) performance such as in the operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation or communication systems, air traffic control, weapons or defense systems, life support systems or any other context in which the failure of any software could lead directly to death, personal injury or severe damage to property or the environment. PANDA SOFTWARE specifically disclaims any express or implicit guarantee of the program's suitability for these types of activities. 7.- CONFIDENTIALITY.- The user recognizes that the program, documentation and/or any other information or material provided by PANDA SOFTWARE is confidential information belonging to PANDA SOFTWARE. Given the experimental nature of the program, the user agrees not to reveal to third parties any information regarding this program, documentation and/or any other information or material provided by PANDA SOFTWARE, without written permission from PANDA SOFTWARE. The program is confidential information and the user must protect it as such. In the case of business users, the user agrees to establish with those employees with access to the program, documentation and/or any other information or material provided by PANDA SOFTWARE, the warnings and documentation necessary to ensure that the confidentiality requirements are met. The user is not permitted to make copies of the program, other than back-up copies. 8.- EXPORT RESTRICTIONS.- The licensee acknowledges and accepts that the program or any part thereof is subject to U.S. export control laws and hence the licensee is bound to abide by such legislation and any other applicable international export regulations. The licensee acknowledges and accepts that the program may not be exported or re-exported, either wholly or in part, to any country, person or organization subject to restrictions under U.S. export control laws or any other applicable international export regulations, unless the licensee is in possession of the corresponding valid export licenses. The licensee shall defend, indemnify and hold PANDA SOFTWARE harmless in the event of any claim resulting from the licensee's failure to comply with export regulation. 9.- OTHER RESTRICTIONS.- The user agrees not to lend, rent, lease, give away, donate or transfer the software in any way. The user may not transfer the rights granted by means of this license agreement. It is not permitted to decompile, reverse-engineer or disassemble wholly or partially this program unless such activity is expressly permitted by applicable legislation. 10.- DURATION.- The right to use this program will terminate when PANDA SOFTWARE notifies the user of the termination of the Beta program. However, PANDA SOFTWARE and/or the user can terminate this agreement without cause, through written notification to the other party. The user must destroy and/or uninstall the program and any copies on expiry of this license agreement, unless PANDA SOFTWARE gives written authorization to the contrary. All provisions related to confidentiality will remain effective after the agreement has ended. 11.- JURISDICTION.- The present agreement is governed by Spanish law and in the event of any doubt or disagreement about its interpretation or effects, the only competent authority will be the Bilbao Courts of Justice. Both parties expressly renounce any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them. 12.- GENERAL.- The user authorizes PANDA SOFTWARE personnel to visit him/her in order to verify that the conditions of this license are met. The user knows and accepts that PANDA SOFTWARE may take legal proceedings should the user not adhere to this agreement. PANDA SOFTWARE reserves the right to terminate the present license agreement automatically without prior notice should the user fail to comply with any of the terms and conditions of the present agreement. If any provision in this agreement is against the law, that provision will be considered void, without affecting the totality of the agreement or implying that the agreement is void. PANDA SOFTWARE expressly reserves all other rights it may have and that are not herein granted to the user. PANDA SOFTWARE Buenos Aires 12 48001 Bilbao SPAIN Phone - +34 94 425 11 00 Fax - +34-94-424 46 97 E-mail: (c) Panda Software 2004